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支持 2025 PeaceBox 祝福大行動

Support 2025 PeaceBox Campaign 

捐款方法: 信用卡/轉數快/銀行轉賬或存款

Donation method: Credit Card/PayPal/FPS/Bank Transfer or cash deposit.


Donate a unit of $100 to support PeaceBox Campaign.


方法 Method 1: 信用卡Credit Card*


Please click to donate via 

*信用卡公司將對本機構收取其捐款的約 4% 服務費。A service charge of around 4% from your donation to us will be deducted from the credit card company.

方法 Method 2: PayMe

户口名稱 Account Name:「教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司」 The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited


PayMe公司將對本機構收取其捐款的約 1 . 2% 服務費。A service charge of around 1 . 2% from your donation to us will be deducted from the PayMe company.


方法 Method 3: 轉數快 FPS

户口名稱 Account Name:「教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司」 The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited

轉數快號碼 FPS ID: 2334688

方法 Method 4: 銀行轉賬/存款 Bank Transfer or cash deposit

銀行名稱 Name of Bank:香港匯豐銀行 HSBC

户口名稱 Account Name:「教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司」The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited
戶口號碼 Account Number:168-523-470-838


注意事項 Remarks: 
1. 上述捐款方法 (2
) PayMe (3) 轉數快及 (4) 銀行轉賬/存款須提供存款收據,連同聯絡人姓名及電話、電郵地址或郵寄地址,透過電郵:、傳真: 3013 8950 或 WhatsApp: 67602025 通知我們。如捐款收據抬頭名稱與聯絡人不同,請說明。

註明:支持「2025 PeaceBox祝福大行動」(沒有註明之捐款將撥入「教會關懷貧窮網絡有限公司」經費)

For donation methods (2) PayMe (3) FPS and (4) Bank Transfer/cash deposit, please send the pay-in-slip with your contact name ( and your donation recipient name if it is different from the contact name), telephone number and correspondence address (email or postal) via email: 3013 8950 or WhatsApp: 6760 2025 to us.

Please remark: Support "2025 PeaceBox Campaign" (Donations that are not specified would be funded to the general fund of "The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited")

2. 捐款港幣$100或以上可申請扣稅。捐款者於捐款時能夠提供有效的電郵/郵寄地址,將於2個月內收到捐款收據。

Donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible. Donors will receive a donation receipt by email/post within 2 months. 

3. 為了讓所得的捐款盡快購買物資並於復活節前送到受惠人士手上,是次活動不接受郵寄支票,敬請留意!

In order to prepare gift packs before Easter, we do not accept donations by cheque.

4. 教會關懷貧窮網絡《收集個人資料聲明》

Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor - Privacy Statement《Personal Information Collection Statement》

香港「PeaceBox 祝福大行動」起源:


教會關懷貧窮網絡 HKCNP 聯絡查詢 >

T: 3689 9810 

F: 3013 8950



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